Yogo Sapphires


Yogo sapphires' excellent clarity and color are entirely natural, making them some of the finest sapphires in the world.


Yogo sapphires are renowned for their captivating, vivid cornflower blue hue that stays true throughout the stone.


“Yogo sapphires” are exclusive to Yogo Gulch in central Montana, whereas “Montana sapphires” refer to gems from other locations.


yogo sapphires miners

An American Gem Story

The frenzy of the gold rush in the late 1800s brought fortune-seekers to Montana dreaming of wealth and adventure. While little gold was found, miners noticed small blue pebbles in their sluice boxes. A miner named Jake Hoover collected a cigar box full and sent them to Tiffany & Co. in New York in hopes of finding their worth. Tiffany’s foremost gemologist, George F. Kunz, identified them as sapphires and declared the stones “the finest precious gemstones ever found in the United States.” Thus began the story of these alluring blue beauties that evoke the passion and grandeur of the Great American West.